Disposition of nonresident child

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(a) General rule.--If the court finds that a child who has been adjudged to have committed a delinquent act or to be dependent is or is about to become a resident of another state which has adopted the Uniform Juvenile Court Act, or a substantially similar law which includes provisions corresponding to this section and section 6362 (relating to disposition of resident child received from another state), the court may defer hearing on need of treatment and disposition and request by any appropriate means the appropriate court of the county or parish of the residence or prospective residence of the child to accept jurisdiction of the child.

(b) Change of residence under court order.--If the child becomes a resident of another state while on probation or under protective supervision under order of a court of this Commonwealth, the court may request the court of the state in which the child has become a resident to accept jurisdiction of the child and to continue his probation or protective supervision.

(c) Procedure for transfer.--Upon receipt and filing of an acceptance the court of this Commonwealth shall transfer custody of the child to the accepting court and cause him to be delivered to the person designated by that court to receive his custody. It also shall provide the accepting court with certified copies of the order adjudging the child to be a delinquent, or dependent child, of the order of transfer, and if the child is on probation or under protective supervision under order of the court, of the order of disposition. It also shall provide the accepting court with a statement of the facts found by the court of this Commonwealth and any recommendations and other information or documents it considers of assistance to that court in making a disposition of the case or in supervising the child on probation or otherwise.

(d) Effect of transfer to accepting court.--Upon compliance with subsection (c) the jurisdiction of the court of this Commonwealth over the child is terminated.

(Apr. 28, 1978, P.L.202, No.53, eff. 60 days)

1978 Amendment. Act 53 amended subsecs. (a) and (c).

Cross References. Section 6361 is referred to in section 6362 of this title.

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