Consequences of transacting business without authority.

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(2) The successor to a foreign limited liability partnership that transacted business in this state without authority to transact business in this state and the assignee of a cause of action arising out of that business may not maintain a proceeding based on that cause of action in any court in this state until the foreign limited liability partnership or its successor obtains authorization from the Secretary of State to transact business in this state.

(3) A court may stay a proceeding commenced by a foreign limited liability partnership or its successor or assignee until it determines whether the foreign limited liability partnership or its successor requires authorization from the Secretary of State to transact business in this state. If it so determines, the court may further stay the proceeding until the foreign limited liability partnership or its successor obtains the authorization.

(4) A foreign limited liability partnership that transacts business in this state without authority shall be liable to this state for the years or parts thereof during which it transacted business in this state without authority in an amount equal to all fees that would have been imposed by this chapter upon the foreign limited liability partnership had it duly applied for and received authority to transact business in this state as required by this chapter and thereafter filed all reports required by this chapter.

(5) Notwithstanding subsections (1) and (2) of this section, the failure of a foreign limited liability partnership to obtain authority to transact business in this state does not:

(a) Impair the validity of its acts or prevent it from defending any proceeding in this state; or

(b) Result in a waiver of limitations on personal liability of the partners of the foreign limited liability partnership. [1997 c.775 §69]

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