Annual report; updates; rules.

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(a) The name of the limited liability partnership and the state or country under whose law the limited liability partnership is registered or qualified as a limited liability partnership;

(b) The address, including street and number, and mailing address, if different, of the principal office from which the limited liability partnership conducts the limited liability partnership’s business;

(c) The names and addresses of at least two partners of the limited liability partnership;

(d) A brief statement describing the primary business activity of the limited liability partnership; and

(e) Additional identifying information that the Secretary of State may require by rule.

(2) The information contained in the annual report must be current within 30 days before the report is due.

(3) The Secretary of State shall mail the annual report form to any address shown for the limited liability partnership or foreign limited liability partnership in the current records of the office of the Secretary of State. The failure of the limited liability partnership or foreign limited liability partnership to receive the annual report form from the Secretary of State does not relieve the limited liability partnership or foreign limited liability partnership of the limited liability partnership’s or foreign limited liability partnership’s duty under this section to deliver an annual report to the office.

(4) If an annual report does not contain the information this section requires, the Secretary of State shall notify the reporting limited liability partnership or foreign limited liability partnership in writing and return the report to the limited liability partnership or foreign limited liability partnership for correction. The limited liability partnership or foreign limited liability partnership must correct the error within 45 days after the Secretary of State gives the notice.

(5)(a) A limited liability partnership or foreign limited liability partnership may update information that is required or permitted in an annual report filing at any time by delivering to the office of the Secretary of State for filing:

(A) An amendment to the annual report if a change in the information set forth in the annual report occurs after the report is delivered to the office for filing and before the next anniversary; or

(B) A statement with the change if the update occurs before the limited liability partnership or foreign limited liability partnership files the first annual report.

(b) The amendment to the annual report filed under paragraph (a) of this subsection must set forth:

(A) The name of the limited liability partnership or foreign limited liability partnership as shown on the records of the office; and

(B) The information as changed. [1997 c.775 §62; 1999 c.86 §21; 2007 c.186 §10; 2011 c.147 §18]

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