Application for registration; effective date; fee; duration of status as limited liability partnership.

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(2) The application for registration shall set forth the following information:

(a) The name of the partnership;

(b) The address, including street and number, and mailing address, if different, of the principal office from which the partnership conducts its business;

(c) A mailing address to which notices as required by this chapter may be mailed until an address has been designated by the limited liability partnership in its annual report;

(d) A brief statement describing the primary business activity of the partnership and, for a partnership rendering a professional service or services, the professional service or services to be rendered through the partnership;

(e) A representation by the partner or partners executing the application for registration that the application for registration has been approved by a vote of the partners as required by ORS 67.600 (3); and

(f) The names and addresses of at least two partners of the partnership.

(3) The application for registration may set forth any other provisions, not inconsistent with law, that the partnership may decide to include in the application.

(4) The filing of an application for registration establishes that the partnership has satisfied all conditions precedent to the qualification of the partnership as a limited liability partnership.

(5) The status of the partnership as a limited liability partnership is effective upon filing of the application for registration or, if applicable, upon the delayed effective time and date set forth in the application for registration in accordance with ORS 67.017, and the payment of the required fee. The status remains effective, regardless of changes in the partnership, until the registration is voluntarily canceled pursuant to ORS 67.606 or the registration is revoked pursuant to ORS 67.660. The cancellation or revocation of the registration shall not affect the personal liability of any partner with respect to any obligations of the limited liability partnership that are incurred by the limited liability partnership prior to the effective date of the cancellation or revocation of the registration.

(6) A partnership that is a limited liability partnership on January 1, 1998, shall not be required to file a new registration by reason of this chapter to continue its status as a limited liability partnership. [Formerly 67.590]

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