Articles and plan of conversion.

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(a) File articles of conversion that state the name and type of business entity that existed before conversion, the name and type of business entity that will exist after conversion and the names and addresses of at least two partners; and

(b) File a plan of conversion or, in lieu of a plan of conversion, a written declaration that:

(A) Identifies an address for an office of the converted entity where the plan of conversion is on file; and

(B) States that the converted entity will provide any owner with a copy of the plan of conversion upon request and at no cost.

(2) The conversion takes effect at the later of the date and time determined in accordance with ORS 67.017 or the date and time determined under the statutes that govern the business entity that is not a partnership. [1999 c.362 §44; 2001 c.315 §10; 2015 c.28 §8]

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