Partner’s transferable interest subject to charging order.

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(2) A charging order constitutes a lien on the judgment debtor’s transferable interest in the partnership. The court may order a foreclosure of the interest subject to the charging order at any time. The purchaser at the foreclosure sale has the rights of a transferee.

(3) At any time before foreclosure, an interest charged may be redeemed:

(a) By the judgment debtor;

(b) With property other than partnership property, by one or more of the other partners; or

(c) With partnership property, by one or more of the other partners with the consent of all the partners whose interests are not so charged.

(4) This chapter does not deprive a partner of a right under exemption laws with respect to the partner’s interest in the partnership.

(5) This section provides the exclusive remedy by which a judgment creditor of a partner or partner’s transferee may satisfy a judgment out of the judgment debtor’s transferable interest in the partnership. [1997 c.775 §26]

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