Certificate of existence or authorization.

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(2) A certificate of existence or authorization when issued means that:

(a) The name of the limited liability partnership or the foreign limited liability partnership is registered in this state;

(b) The limited liability partnership is duly registered under the laws of this state or the foreign limited liability partnership is authorized to transact business in this state;

(c) All fees payable to the Secretary of State under this chapter have been paid, if nonpayment affects the existence or authorization of the limited liability partnership or foreign limited liability partnership;

(d) An annual report required by ORS 67.645 has been filed by the Secretary of State within the preceding 14 months; and

(e) A cancellation notice under ORS 67.606 or a withdrawal notice under ORS 67.740 has not been filed by the Secretary of State.

(3) Subject to any qualification stated in the certificate, a certificate of existence or authorization issued by the Secretary of State may be relied upon as conclusive evidence that the limited liability partnership or foreign limited liability partnership is registered or is authorized to transact business in this state. [Formerly 67.550]

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