Access of board to evidence relating to subject matter of investigation or proceedings; revocation of subpoenas requiring improper information; administration of oaths; taking testimony and evidence.

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(2) Within five days after the service of a subpoena on a person requiring the production of any evidence in possession or under the control of the person, the board on petition of that person shall revoke the subpoena if in its opinion the evidence whose production is required does not relate to any matter under investigation, or any matter in question in the proceedings, or if in its opinion the subpoena does not describe with sufficient particularity the evidence whose production is required.

(3) The board or its agent designated by it for such purposes, may administer oaths and affirmations, examine witnesses and receive evidence. Attendance of witnesses and the production of such evidence may be required at any designated place of hearing. [1971 c.729 §38; 1975 c.147 §18]

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