Amendment of complaint; filing answer; intervenors; fees; conduct of proceedings.

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(2) The person so complained of may file an answer to the original or amended complaint and appear in person or otherwise and give testimony at the place and time fixed in the complaint. The person filing the answer shall pay a fee of $300 to the board. The board may allow any other person to intervene in the proceeding and to present testimony. A person allowed to intervene shall pay a fee of $300 to the board.

(3) As far as practicable, the board shall conduct the proceeding in accordance with the rules of evidence applicable to civil actions.

(4) The board shall deposit fees received under this section to the credit of the Employment Relations Board Administrative Account. [1971 c.729 §21; 1979 c.284 §190; 2007 c.296 §3; 2011 c.593 §5]

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