Dispute resolution.

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(2) The procedure shall provide at a minimum the right of each party to present its case, to be in attendance during any presentation made by the other party and to rebut or refute such presentation. The individuals conducting the dispute resolution procedure must be objective.

(3) A decision resulting from the dispute resolution procedure shall be binding on the manufacturer.

(4) The records of the results of disputes settled under this section shall be submitted to the Department of Justice if the department requests them and shall be available to any person who makes a request for the records free of cost within 10 business days of the person’s request. The department may review all records created under this section to determine whether or not the procedure and decisions comply with the provisions of ORS 646A.460 to 646A.476.

(5) The Department of Justice shall establish a roster of dispute resolution providers for consumers seeking to resolve disputes with manufacturers or to assert their rights under this section. [Formerly 646.494]

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