Definitions for ORS 646A.340 to 646A.348.

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(1) "Mail agent" means any person, sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation or other entity who owns, manages, rents or operates one or more mailboxes, as defined in this section, for receipt of United States mail or materials received from or delivered by a private express carrier, for any person, sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation or other entity not the mail agent.

(2) "Mailbox" means any physical location or receptacle where United States mail or materials received from or delivered by a private express carrier are received, stored or sorted, including letter boxes.

(3) "Tenant" means any person, sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation or other entity who contracts with or otherwise causes a mail agent to receive, store, sort, hold or forward any United States mail or materials received from or delivered by any private express carrier on the tenant’s behalf. [Formerly 646.221]

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