(b) If the crop described in paragraph (a) of this subsection is removed and the department determines that the violation is resolved, the person described in paragraph (a) of this subsection may apply for a license under ORS 571.281.
(2) If a person plants an industrial hemp crop or commits a violation of ORS 571.260 to 571.348 prior to being issued a grower license under ORS 571.281, the department shall:
(a)(A) Prioritize the person’s industrial hemp crop for inspection under ORS 571.281 (7), if the person planted the industrial hemp crop as described in this subsection; and
(B) Require the person to enter into a corrective action plan with the department; or
(b) Refuse to issue a license to the person if the department determines that a corrective action plan is insufficient to address the violation.
(3) If the person described in subsection (2) of this section does not enter into a corrective action plan pursuant to subsection (2) of this section, the department may not issue a license to the person under ORS 571.281.
(4) The department may adopt rules to carry out this section, including rules to establish the corrective action plan described in subsection (2) of this section. [2021 c.542 §18c; 2021 c.542 §18g]
Note: See note under 571.260.