(2) Upon the expiration of the time for service and filing of notices of appeal to the circuit court, if no appeal is taken from the resolution of the board, the resolution becomes final. If an appeal is taken, the circuit judge of the county in which the appeal is to be heard shall make an order directing the trial court administrator to have published once a week for four consecutive weeks in each county in which the lands in the district are situated, a notice and summons reading substantially as follows:
In the Circuit Court of _____ )
County, State of Oregon )
In the matter of Bonds and ) Notice
Assessments of ______ )
Irrigation District. )
All persons owning or claiming to own any lands within the above named irrigation district are notified that appeal has been made to the above entitled court from the resolution made and entered by the board of directors of the irrigation district on the ___ day of ______, 2___, in which an assessment was made against certain lands in the district and described in the resolution together with a determination of the benefits accruing to the lands, and that bonds may be issued in the sum of ___ by the district. All persons owning lands within the district affected by the assessment or bonds are required to appear before this court on or before the ___ day of ______, 2___, and show cause, if any, why the assessment or determination of benefits should not be approved and the bonds not issued.
Trial Court Administrator
for ______ County.
(3) The date required for appearance in the cause shall be a date to be fixed by the court, adjudged reasonable, and not less than 30 days from the date of the first publication of the notice. The proceeding shall be a proceeding in rem. All persons owning or claiming any interest in lands in the irrigation district shall appear and show cause why the assessment or determination of benefits should not be ratified and approved, and shall be bound by all subsequent judgments and orders made in the cause, without further notice. [Formerly 545.254; 1997 c.801 §130; 2003 c.576 §500]