Licensure of nontransplant anatomical research recovery organizations; rules; fees.

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(2) The authority shall adopt rules establishing an application process and fees for obtaining and renewing a nontransplant anatomical research recovery organization license. The fee for obtaining or renewing a license under this subsection may not exceed $1,750.

(3) A license issued or renewed under this section expires two years after the date of issuance or renewal.

(4) The license required by this section is in addition to and not in lieu of any other license required by law.

(5) The authority shall deposit fees collected under this section into the Oregon Health Authority Fund established in ORS 413.101. Moneys deposited in the fund under this subsection are continuously appropriated to the authority for the purposes of carrying out the duties, functions and powers of the authority under ORS 438.705 to 438.720 and 438.994. [2013 c.356 §2]

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