Definitions for ORS 438.705 to 438.720 and 438.994.

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(1) "Anatomical material" means the body of a dead human or a cell, group of cells or body part taken from the body of a dead human.

(2) "Donor" has the meaning given that term in ORS 97.953.

(3)(a) "Nontransplant anatomical research recovery organization" means a person that engages in the recovery or distribution of anatomical material from a donor for research or education purposes other than transplanting the anatomical material or therapy.

(b) "Nontransplant anatomical research recovery organization" does not include:

(A) A hospital or other health care facility, as those terms are defined in ORS 442.015;

(B) A public corporation, as defined in ORS 353.010;

(C) A public or private institution of higher education; or

(D) A clinical laboratory, as defined in ORS 438.010, that is:

(i) Licensed under ORS 438.010 to 438.510; and

(ii) Owned or controlled by, or under common ownership with, a hospital described in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph. [2013 c.356 §1]

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