License content; display; nontransferability; voidability; special permit when director changes.

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(2) A license issued to the owner of a clinical laboratory is not transferable. The license of the laboratory is voided 30 days after a change in its director if it has only one director or if all directors change or a change in the ownership or in the location of the laboratory. In case of death of a director, immediate notification to the Director of the Oregon Health Authority or a designee who shall be empowered to issue a special temporary permit of 30 days’ duration issued to a designated substitute director is required. If a license is voided or a special temporary permit is issued under this section, a new license application, accompanied by the nonrefundable license fee prescribed in ORS 438.130, shall be filed with the authority. [1969 c.685 §8; 2009 c.595 §704]

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