(a) The Medical Director of the Oregon Poison Center or designee, who shall serve as chairperson.
(b) The Director of the Oregon Health Authority or a designee.
(c) A pediatrician licensed under ORS chapter 677, appointed by the Governor.
(d) A chemist from an academic institution, appointed by the Governor.
(e) A representative of a manufacturer of toxic household products, appointed by the Governor.
(2) Each member shall serve without compensation.
(3) The task force shall meet as considered necessary by the chairperson or on the call of three members of the task force.
(4) The task force shall meet for the purposes of reviewing, granting or denying requests for exemptions from and extensions of the requirements of ORS 431A.300 to 431A.325.
(5) The task force shall obtain and evaluate statewide poisoning incidence and severity data over a period of every two years for the purpose of making recommendations for the addition or deletion of products to ORS 431A.308. [Formerly 431.890]