(2) The purpose of the statewide early learning system is to make progress toward ensuring that:
(a) Children enter school ready to learn;
(b) Children are raised in families that are healthy, stable and attached; and
(c) Early learning is available and provided in a manner that is aligned, coordinated and family centered.
(3) The statewide early learning system shall include the following components:
(a) A process to identify as early as possible children and families who would benefit from early learning services, including the required use of standardized screening and referral procedures used throughout the statewide early learning system;
(b) A plan to support the identified needs of the child and family that coordinates case management personnel and the delivery of services to the child and family; and
(c) Services to support children who are zero through six years of age and their families who give their express written consent, including:
(A) Screening, assessment and home visiting services pursuant to ORS 417.795;
(B) Specialized or targeted home visiting services;
(C) Community-based services such as relief nurseries, family support programs and parent education programs;
(D) Affordable, quality child care, as defined by the Early Learning Council;
(E) Preschool and other early education services;
(F) Health services for children and pregnant women;
(G) Mental health services;
(H) Alcohol and drug treatment programs that meet the standards promulgated by the Oregon Health Authority pursuant to ORS 430.357;
(I) Developmental disability services; and
(J) Other state and local services.
(4) In establishing the definition of affordable, quality child care under subsection (3)(c)(D) of this section, the Early Learning Council shall consult with child care providers and early childhood educators. The definition established by the council shall support parental choice of child care provider and shall consider differences in settings and services, including but not limited to child care for school-aged children, part-time care, odd-hour and respite care and factors of cultural appropriateness and competence.
(5) The Early Learning Council shall:
(a) Consolidate administrative functions relating to the statewide early learning system, to the extent practicable, including but not limited to training and technical assistance, planning and budgeting.
(b) Adopt policies to establish training and technical assistance programs to ensure that personnel have skills in appropriate areas, including screening, family assessment, competency-based home visiting skills, cultural and gender differences and other areas as needed.
(c) Identify research-based age-appropriate and culturally and gender appropriate screening and assessment tools that would be used as appropriate in programs and services of the statewide early learning system.
(d) Develop a plan for the implementation of a common data system for voluntary early childhood programs.
(e) Coordinate existing and new early childhood programs to provide a range of community-based supports.
(f) Establish a common set of quality assurance standards to guide local implementation of all elements of the statewide early learning system, including voluntary universal screening and assessment, home visiting, staffing, evaluation and community-based services.
(g) Ensure that all plans for voluntary early childhood services are coordinated and consistent with federal and state law, including but not limited to plans for Oregon prekindergarten programs, federal Head Start programs, early childhood special education services, early intervention services and public health services.
(h) Identify how the statewide early learning system for children who are zero through six years of age will link with systems of support for older children and their families.
(i) During January of each odd-numbered year, report to the Governor and the Legislative Assembly on the statewide early learning system.
(6) The State Board of Education, the Employment Department, the Department of Human Services and the Oregon Health Authority when adopting rules to administer voluntary early childhood programs under their individual authority shall adopt rules:
(a) That are consistent with the requirements of the statewide early learning system created under this section; and
(b) With the direction of the Early Learning Council.
(7) Information gathered in conjunction with the voluntary comprehensive screening and assessment of children and their families may be used only for the following purposes:
(a) Providing services to children and families who give their express written consent;
(b) Providing statistical data that are not personally identifiable;
(c) Accomplishing other purposes for which the family has given express written consent; and
(d) Meeting the requirements of mandatory state and federal disclosure laws. [Formerly 417.748; 2003 c.293 §2; 2005 c.271 §2; 2009 c.595 §359; 2012 c.37 §§44b,91; 2013 c.728 §§3,4; 2015 c.698 §3; 2021 c.631 §1]