(a) Child welfare services under ORS 418.005;
(b) Temporary assistance for needy families under ORS 412.006;
(c) Nutritional assistance under ORS 411.816;
(d) Medical assistance eligibility determinations under ORS 411.404;
(e) Services to elderly persons and to persons with disabilities under ORS 410.070 and 412.014; and
(f) Vocational rehabilitation services under ORS 344.530.
(2) The report of the department under this section shall address each of the following:
(a) Workload increases or decreases over the current biennium.
(b) Workload efficiencies achieved during the current biennium.
(c) Additional staffing needs or decreases in staffing needs that exist for the current biennium or that are projected for the next biennium, including a statement of the number of full-time equivalent positions that are vacant on the date the report is prepared or that can be double filled in order to meet any needs for additional staffing.
(3) As used in this section, "double filled" means that the department is using one budgeted full-time equivalent position to employ more than one employee. [2009 c.598 §1; 2011 c.545 §45; 2011 c.720 §80; 2016 c.117 §63]
Note: Section 1, chapter 209, Oregon Laws 2021, provides:
Sec. 1. No later than December 31, 2022, the Department of Human Services shall report to the interim committees of the Legislative Assembly related to human services a comprehensive proposal for department staffing that is adaptable to achieve customer service obligations, program outcomes and policy goals. [2021 c.209 §1]