(2) As part of the toll program, after seeking and receiving approval from the Federal Highway Administration, the commission may assess variable rate tolls. Tolling may include, but is not limited to assessing variable rate tolls for the purpose of:
(a) Managing congestion; and
(b) Partially or wholly funding the construction, operation or maintenance of a highway.
(3) The commission shall assess tolls in the following locations:
(a) On Interstate 205, beginning at the Washington state line and ending where it intersects with Interstate 5 in this state.
(b) On Interstate 5, beginning at the Washington state line and ending where it intersects with Interstate 205.
(4) To the extent necessary and permitted by state and federal law and Article IX, section 3a, of the Oregon Constitution, the commission shall ensure tolls assessed pursuant to subsection (3) of this section or tolls assessed as part of the Interstate 5 Boone Bridge and Seismic Improvement Project:
(a) Reduce traffic congestion by managing demand on the tollway and by improving operations on the tollway;
(b) Reduce traffic congestion as a result of the tollway, not only on the tollway but also on adjacent, connected or parallel highways to the tollways, regardless of ownership;
(c) Improve safety not only on the tollway but also on adjacent, connected or parallel highways to the tollways, regardless of ownership; and
(d) Minimize and mitigate impacts to historically and currently underrepresented and disadvantaged communities.
(5) Any unit of government assessing tolls on highways for which the unit of government is the road authority, pursuant to ORS 810.010, shall collaborate with other units of government to:
(a) Determine whether assessing tolls may result in traffic, equity, safety or climate impacts as a result of assessing tolls;
(b) Determine appropriate investments or efforts that may minimize or reduce any potential impacts; and
(c) Periodically review any investments or efforts identified and implemented under this subsection.
(6) Before assessing tolls in the locations described under subsection (3) of this section, the commission shall report to the Joint Committee on Transportation established under ORS 171.858.
(7) The commission may enter into agreements with the State of Washington, or the State of Washington’s tollway operator or other designee, relating to establishing, reviewing, adjusting and collecting tolls for the program described in this section.
(8) As used in this section, "highway" has the meaning given that term in ORS 366.005. [2017 c.750 §120; 2021 c.630 §146]