(1) "Construction" means the development of land and the construction of improvements to land, and may be further defined by the city or county that designated the vertical housing development zone under ORS 307.844.
(2) "Displacement" means a situation in which a household is forced to move from its current residence due to conditions that affect the residence or the immediate surroundings of the residence and that:
(a) A reasonable person would consider to be beyond the household’s ability to prevent or control;
(b) Occur despite the household’s having met all previously imposed conditions of occupancy; and
(c) Make continued occupancy of the residence by the household unaffordable, hazardous or impossible.
(3) "Low income residential housing" means housing that is restricted to occupancy by persons or families whose income is no greater than 80 percent of area median income, adjusted for family size, as determined by the Housing and Community Services Department.
(4) "Nonresidential use" means any use that is not exclusively residential use.
(5) "Rehabilitation" means repair or replacement of improvements, including fixtures, or land developments, the cost of which equals at least 20 percent of the real market value of the improvements or land developments being repaired or replaced, and may be further defined by the city or county that designated the zone.
(6) "Vertical housing development project" or "project" means the construction or rehabilitation of a multiple-story building, or a group of buildings, including at least one multiple-story building, so that a portion of the project is to be used for nonresidential uses and a portion of the project is to be used for residential uses.
(7) "Vertical housing development zone" or "zone" means an area that has been designated a vertical housing development zone under ORS 307.844. [Formerly 285C.450; 2015 c.507 §1; 2017 c.326 §1; 2021 c.476 §1]