(a) For the tax year to which the change or correction is applicable, the property was or is used primarily as a dwelling (or is vacant) and was and is a single-family dwelling, a multifamily dwelling of not more than four units, a condominium unit, a manufactured structure or a floating home.
(b) The change or correction requested is a change in value for the property for the tax year and it is asserted in the request and determined by the tax court that the difference between the real market value of the property for the tax year and the real market value on the assessment and tax roll for the tax year is equal to or greater than 20 percent.
(2) If the tax court finds that the conditions needed to order a change or correction under subsection (1) of this section exist, the court may order a change or correction in the maximum assessed value of the property in addition to the change or correction in the real market value of the property.
(3) The tax court may order a change or correction applicable to a separate assessment of property to the assessment or tax roll for the current tax year and for either of the two tax years immediately preceding the current tax year if, for the year to which the change or correction is applicable, the assessor or taxpayer has no statutory right of appeal remaining and the tax court determines that good and sufficient cause exists for the failure by the assessor or taxpayer to pursue the statutory right of appeal.
(4) Before ordering a change or correction to the assessment or tax roll under subsection (3) of this section, the tax court may determine whether any of the conditions exist in a particular case. If the tax court determines that one of the conditions specified does exist, the tax court shall hold a hearing to determine whether to order a change or correction to the roll.
(5) For purposes of this section:
(a) "Current tax year" has the meaning given the term under ORS 306.115.
(b) "Good and sufficient cause":
(A) Means an extraordinary circumstance that is beyond the control of the taxpayer, or the taxpayer’s agent or representative, and that causes the taxpayer, agent or representative to fail to pursue the statutory right of appeal; and
(B) Does not include inadvertence, oversight, lack of knowledge, hardship or reliance on misleading information provided by any person except an authorized tax official providing the relevant misleading information.
(6) The remedy provided under this section is in addition to all other remedies provided by law. [Formerly 306.116; 1999 c.767 §1; subsection (7) of 2005 Edition enacted as 2003 c.655 §47a; 2009 c.33 §6; 2013 c.176 §2; 2019 c.585 §20]