(2) Unless the context or a specific provision of law provides otherwise, when a law of this state requires that a payment or transfer of moneys be made by warrant, check or electronic funds transfer the payment or transfer may be made by warrant, check, electronic funds transfer or an accounting entry in the appropriate records of any affected state agency. The Oregon Department of Administrative Services shall determine which method of payment or transfer is most appropriate, taking into consideration the established state banking, funds transfer and accounting practices at the time of the payment or transfer.
(3) The State Treasurer, in consultation with the Oregon Department of Administrative Services, may establish or designate, whenever necessary or convenient to the carrying out or administration of the accounting, budget preparation, cash management, financial management, financial reporting or similar laws of this state, subaccounts, accounts and funds in addition to or within the subaccounts, accounts and funds created by the Oregon Constitution and statutes. Subaccounts, accounts and funds established or designated under this subsection shall be administered as prescribed by written directive or policy issued or approved by the State Treasurer. The authority granted by this subsection is in addition to, and not in limitation of, the authority granted by ORS 293.445 and 293.447. [1993 c.73 §5; 1997 c.122 §4; 2003 c.17 §1]