Preparation of ballot titles for certain county measures; correction of clerical errors; notice.

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(2) Not later than the sixth business day after a prospective petition for a county measure to be initiated is filed with the county clerk, the clerk shall send one copy of it to the district attorney if the measure to be initiated has been determined to be in compliance with section 1 (2)(d), Article IV, and section 10, Article VI of the Oregon Constitution, as provided in ORS 250.168.

(3)(a) Not later than the fifth business day after receiving the copy of the prospective petition, and notwithstanding ORS 203.145 (3), the district attorney shall prepare a ballot title for the county measure to be initiated or referred and certify the ballot title to the county clerk.

(b) If the district attorney determines that a ballot title certified under this subsection contains a clerical error, the district attorney may correct the error and certify to the county clerk a corrected ballot title not later than the 10th business day after the date the ballot title was certified.

(c) A copy of the ballot title shall be furnished to the chief petitioner.

(4) Unless the circuit court certifies a different ballot title, the latest ballot title certified by the district attorney under subsection (3) of this section is the title to be printed on the ballot.

(5)(a) The county clerk, upon receiving a ballot title for a county measure to be referred or initiated from the district attorney or the county governing body, shall publish in the next available edition of a newspaper of general circulation in the county a notice of receipt of the ballot title including notice that an elector may file a petition for review of the ballot title not later than the date referred to in ORS 250.195.

(b) In addition to publishing a notice as described in paragraph (a) of this subsection, the county clerk may publish a notice on the county’s website for a minimum of seven days.

(6) As used in this section, "clerical error" means a typographical, arithmetical or grammatical error or omission that is evident from the text of the certified ballot title or by comparison of the text of the ballot title with a written explanation that was provided by the district attorney and issued concurrently with the certified ballot title. [1979 c.190 §155; 1983 c.567 §12; 1985 c.808 §26; 1987 c.707 §8; 1991 c.719 §21; 2005 c.797 §41; 2011 c.607 §6; 2013 c.519 §3; 2017 c.749 §18]

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