Contributions to Citizens’ Initiative Review Commission; prohibitions; disclosure.

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(2) The commission may not receive contributions of moneys or assistance from:

(a) A political committee, as defined in ORS 260.005;

(b) For-profit corporate treasuries;

(c) Union treasuries; or

(d) Any other source the commission determines might be used to transfer moneys from a political committee, for-profit corporate treasury or union treasury to the commission.

(3) If a person contributes to the commission an aggregate total of more than $100 in a calendar year, not later than 14 calendar days after the commission receives the contribution, the commission shall make available to the public on the Internet:

(a) The name and address of the person or entity who made the contribution; and

(b) The amount of the contribution.

(4) The commission may enter into contracts and hire any staff the commission deems necessary.

(5) The commission may appoint an executive director to serve at the pleasure of the commission. [2011 c.365 §4; 2013 c.722 §16]

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