Evaluation of citizen panel procedures; findings and recommendations; appointment of certain commission members.

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(a) Convene to evaluate procedures related to the citizen panels and submit a written report to the Citizens’ Initiative Review Commission summarizing the evaluation, along with any recommendations; and

(b) Appoint two moderators from among the moderators convened for the evaluation to be members of the commission.

(2) Not later than February 1 of an odd-numbered year, two electors from each citizen panel shall:

(a) Convene to evaluate procedures related to the citizen panels and submit a written report to the commission summarizing the evaluation, along with any recommendations; and

(b) Appoint two electors from among the former panelists convened for the evaluation to be members of the commission.

(3) Each year in which an evaluation is conducted by moderators and panelists under this section, the commission shall review the evaluations and make any findings and recommendations. The commission shall make all evaluations, findings and recommendations made under this section available to the public. [2011 c.365 §6]

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