(a) Through automated data matches with financial institutions and other entities where assets may be found, identify assets owned by persons who owe child support in other states; and
(b) Seize such assets by execution as defined in ORS 18.005 or by such other processes to seize property as the division is authorized by law to use.
(2) A request by another state for services provided under subsection (1) of this section:
(a) Must include information, as required by rule, that will enable the department to compare the information about the case with information in databases within Oregon; and
(b) Constitutes a certification by the state requesting the services:
(A) Of the amount of periodic support under an order, the payment of which is in arrears; and
(B) That it has complied with all procedural due process requirements applicable to the case.
(3) The administrator is authorized to request from other states services of the type provided under subsection (1) of this section. [1999 c.930 §2; 2001 c.249 §71; 2003 c.576 §576]