(a) Ascertain facts and make recommendations to the Legislative Assembly concerning the Governor’s budget.
(b) Ascertain facts concerning state expenditures and make estimates concerning state expenditures.
(c) Ascertain facts and make recommendations concerning the fiscal implications of the organization and functions of the state and its agencies.
(d) Ascertain facts and make recommendations on such other matters as may be provided for by joint or concurrent resolution.
(e) Furnish such assistance in the performance of their duties as is requested by the House Revenue Committee, the Senate Revenue Committee, the Legislative Revenue Officer and other legislative standing and interim committees and members of the Legislative Assembly.
(2) Pursuant to the policies and directions of the appointing authority, the Legislative Fiscal Officer may enter into contracts to carry out the functions of the Legislative Fiscal Officer.
(3) The Legislative Fiscal Officer shall cause a study to be conducted prior to the beginning of each odd-numbered year regular session of the Legislative Assembly that reports the preceding two years’ administrative costs and the transfer rate of the Oregon State Lottery Commission, in order to determine if additional funds may be made available for public purposes. [1959 c.70 §2; 1971 c.679 §2; 1975 c.789 §7; 1999 c.207 §2; 2001 c.158 §1; 2016 c.117 §39; 2017 c.746 §6; 2021 c.678 §3]