Rights and benefits of legislators and prospective legislators in relation to their regular employment.

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(2) A member or prospective member of the Legislative Assembly shall give notice to the employer when the leave of absence described in subsection (1) of this section is anticipated or is to be taken:

(a) At least 30 days before a regular session; and

(b) As soon as it is reasonably apparent that a special or emergency session is to be called.

(3) The regular employment position of a member or prospective member on leave of absence under this section shall only be deemed vacant for the period of such leave of absence, and the member or prospective member shall not be subject to removal or discharge from such position as a consequence of such leave of absence.

(4) Upon the termination of the leave of absence of the member or prospective member under this section, a member or prospective member shall be restored to the regular employment position the member or prospective member held immediately prior to the first day of the leave of absence if such position still exists, or, if such position does not still exist, to as similar a position as possible, without loss of seniority, the right to participate in insurance or any other employment benefits, other than wages for services not rendered during the leave of absence, as a consequence of the leave of absence of the member or prospective member. Such seniority, right to participate in insurance or other employment benefits shall continue to accumulate during the leave of absence as though the member or prospective member had continued in employment continuously in the regular employment position the member or prospective member held immediately prior to the first day of the leave of absence of the member or prospective member.

(5) This section is not applicable if:

(a) The member or prospective member was employed by the employer for a period of less than 90 days immediately prior to the first day of the leave of absence.

(b) The circumstances of the employer have so changed during the leave of absence of the member or prospective member as to make restoration of the member or prospective member to employment impossible or unreasonable.

(c) The member or prospective member fails to apply for restoration to employment within:

(A) Fifteen days after adjournment sine die of the Legislative Assembly following a regular session; or

(B) If the leave was for a lesser period for another legislative assignment, five days after the assignment is completed.

(d) The regular employment position of the member or prospective member immediately prior to the first day of the leave of absence or the character, terms, conditions or activities of such position are incompatible under the Constitution and laws of this state with the office of member of the Legislative Assembly.

(e) Employment is on a temporary basis.

(f) The employer employs fewer than 10 persons immediately prior to the first day of the leave of absence.

(6) As used in this section, "prospective member" means a person who is certified or appointed to serve in the Legislative Assembly but who has not taken the oath of office. [1957 c.549 §2; 1989 c.1066 §1; 1991 c.454 §2]

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