Advisory council; membership; compensation; duties.

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(a) A representative of the business community with expertise in the area of management;

(b) A certified public accountant;

(c) An attorney; and

(d) Three Oregon residents of continuing care retirement communities or other consumer representatives.

(2) The term of office for a member shall be three years or until a successor has been appointed and qualified.

(3) The members of the advisory council shall serve without pay. They shall be reimbursed by the Department of Human Services for their actual and necessary traveling expenses incurred while on official business.

(4) The council shall:

(a) Elect a chairperson from among their number and elect or appoint a secretary, both of whom shall hold office for one year and thereafter until a successor is qualified and elected;

(b) Hold an annual meeting and hold other meetings at times and places the department or the chairperson of the council may direct;

(c) Keep a record of its proceedings. The record is prima facie evidence of all matters reported and shall be open to inspection at all times;

(d) Act in an advisory capacity to the department; and

(e) Make recommendations to the department on all proposed rules pertaining to this chapter. [1989 c.693 §5; 1993 c.18 §21; 1997 c.633 §7; 2001 c.900 §13]

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