Power of department to prevent violations; cease and desist order; injunction.

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(2) If the department makes a finding of fact in writing that the public interest will be irreparably harmed by delay in issuing a cease and desist order, it may issue a temporary cease and desist order that shall include in its terms a provision that, upon request, a hearing shall be held within 10 days of such a request to determine whether or not the permanent cease and desist order shall be entered on the person. The temporary cease and desist order shall be served on the person by certified mail.

(3) If it appears that a person has engaged, or is about to engage, in an act or practice constituting a violation of any provision of this chapter or of a rule or order under this chapter, the department, with or without prior administrative proceedings, may bring an action in the circuit court to enjoin the acts or practices or to enforce compliance with this chapter or any rule or order under this chapter. Upon proper showing, injunctive relief or temporary restraining orders shall be granted. The department shall not be required to post a bond in any court proceeding. [1989 c.693 §16]

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