The exemption for sales of motor fuel for use by the United States or any agency or instrumentality thereof, as provided in paragraph 5 of Section 500.10 of this title, district-owned public school vehicles and buses or FFA and 4-H Club trucks used for the purpose of legally transporting public school children and in the operation of vehicles used in driver training, as provided in paragraph 6 of Section 500.10 of this title, for use by a county, city, town, volunteer fire department, rural electric cooperative, rural water and sewer district, rural ambulance service district, or federally recognized Indian tribe, as provided in paragraph 7 of Section 500.10 of this title, and for use by the Oklahoma Space Industry Development Authority or any spaceport user, as provided in paragraph 17 of Section 500.10 of this title, shall be perfected as follows:
1. The ultimate vendor shall obtain a certificate signed by the purchasing entity listed in this section setting forth:
2. The ultimate vendor, having obtained from the purchasing entity the certificate, which the ultimate vendor shall retain for a period of not less than three (3) years, shall execute an ultimate vendor certificate which shall contain the following information:
3. The ultimate vendor shall give the executed ultimate vendor certificate to the supplier who, having made reasonable commercial inquiries into the accuracy of the information in the certificate, shall be eligible to claim a credit against the tax liability on the ensuing monthly report of the supplier. As a condition of obtaining the credit, the supplier shall credit or refund the tax to the ultimate vendor who made the sale to the purchasing entity. If there is an intermediate vendor, or vendors, in the distribution chain between the supplier and the ultimate vendor, each vendor shall endorse the certificate, subject to rules promulgated by the Oklahoma Tax Commission, and transmit the certificate to the supplier and remit the credit, once received, to the customer of the intermediate vendor. The supplier and all vendors, if they accept the certificate in good faith and make a reasonable inquiry as to the accuracy of the information contained in the certificate, shall be held harmless if the purchasing entity has made a fraudulent claim; and
4. If the sale of motor fuel to the purchasing entity occurs at a fixed retail pump available to the general public, the ultimate vendor, having made the sale to the purchasing entity without the tax, may apply for a refund from the Tax Commission by submitting the application and supporting documentation as the Tax Commission shall reasonably prescribe by regulation. However, if the purchase is charged to a fleet or government fueling credit card, or to an oil company credit card issued to the purchasing entity, the ultimate vendor may bill the purchasing entity without the tax and seek a refund, or utilize the provisions of paragraph 1, 2, or 3 of this section if the issuer of the card is a supplier.
Added by Laws 1996, c. 345, § 13, eff. Oct. 1, 1996. Amended by Laws 1999, c. 164, § 39, eff. July 1, 1999.