When any tract of the school or other public lands, granted to the State of Oklahoma under the Act of Congress known as the "Enabling Act", or any or all of state-owned lands set apart and designated for the use, benefit, and occupancy of state educational institutions, is known by the Commissioners of the Land Office of the state to contain oil or gas, or where such lands are, by said Commissioners, deemed valuable for oil and gas purposes, such Commissioners shall enter of record in their office their finding, declaring that such oil or gas character exists, and further declaring that the oil and gas deposits are segregated from the surface use and interest therein, and such segregation of such deposits shall conclusively withhold the same from sale, lease or other alienation, except as provided in this article.
R.L. 1910, § 7195. Amended by Laws 1933, c. 106, p. 209, § 1. Renumbered from § 282 of this title by Laws 2010, c. 41, § 116, emerg. eff. April 2, 2010.