A. The Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority is hereby authorized to develop policies and procedures for disclosure by a medical marijuana business of financial interest and ownership.
B. Upon the effective date of this act, current medical marijuana business licensees and applicants seeking licensure as a medical marijuana business shall be required to submit under penalty of perjury an attestation confirming or denying the existence of any foreign financial interests in the medical marijuana business operation and shall disclose the identity of such ownership, if applicable. Medical marijuana business licensees shall, within sixty (60) days after the effective date of this act, submit such attestation to the Oklahoma State Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs Control. Applicants for a medical marijuana business license shall, within sixty (60) days after the approval of a medical marijuana business license application by the Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority, submit such attestation to the Bureau. Failure to submit the attestation or accompanying information to the Bureau within the specified sixty-day time period shall result in the immediate revocation of the medical marijuana business license. The Bureau shall prescribe the form of the attestation required under the provisions of this subsection and shall make the form available on its publicly accessible Internet website.
Added by Laws 2019, c. 11, § 15. Amended by Laws 2021, c. 482, § 1, eff. July 1, 2021.