A. It shall be the duty of all departments, officers, agencies, and employees of the state to cooperate with the Director of the Oklahoma State Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs Control in carrying out the functions of the office. The State Medical Examiner shall promptly report to the offices of the Director of the Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs Control, the Executive Director of the State Board of Medical Licensure and Supervision and the Executive Director of the State Board of Osteopathic Examiners all deaths occurring within the state which were the result or probable result of abuse of a controlled dangerous substance.
B. The Bureau shall be required to compile a yearly report of all fatal and nonfatal drug overdoses for the State of Oklahoma. All registrants, as defined in the Anti-Drug Diversion Act, shall report any person appearing at a medical facility with a drug overdose to the central repository as provided in the Anti-Drug Diversion Act. The determination of a drug overdose shall be made solely at the discretion of the treating medical professional based on the education, experience and professional opinion of the medical professional. This information shall be considered part of the central repository pursuant to the Anti-Drug Diversion Act and shall be confidential and not open to the public pursuant to the provisions of Section 2-309D of this title.
Added by Laws 1971, c. 119, § 2-105, emerg. eff. April 28, 1971. Amended by Laws 1972, c. 229, § 1, emerg. eff. April 7, 1972; Laws 1985, c. 263, § 4, emerg. eff. July 15, 1985; Laws 1996, c. 306, § 2, emerg. eff. June 10, 1996; Laws 2010, c. 160, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2010; Laws 2015, c. 305, § 2.