A. By August 1, 2000, each of the following agencies and associations shall appoint a member to the Needlestick Injury Prevention Committee:
1. The State Department of Health;
2. The State Department of Labor;
3. The Oklahoma Board of Nursing;
4. The Oklahoma State Medical Association;
5. The Oklahoma Osteopathic Association;
6. The Oklahoma Hospital Association;
7. The Oklahoma Nurses Association;
8. The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America;
9. The Professional Firefighters of Oklahoma Association;
10. The Oklahoma Emergency Medical Technicians Association; and
11. The Oklahoma Municipal League.
B. Upon appointment of a member, each agency and entity specified by subsection A of this section shall submit the name, address and telephone number of the member so appointed to the State Commissioner of Health.
C. The State Commissioner of Health shall convene the first meeting of the Committee on or before October 1, 2000.
D. 1. The Committee shall elect a chair and vice-chair from among its members. The Committee shall meet as often as necessary to develop guidelines for the use of needleless systems and engineered sharps injury protection and to comply with the provisions of the Needlestick Injury Prevention Act. A majority of the members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
2. The Committee is authorized to utilize the conference rooms of the State Department of Health and to obtain staff assistance from the Department as needed.
3. The members of the Committee shall be reimbursed expenses incurred in the performance of their duties as provided in the State Travel Reimbursement Act. Members appointed by any state agency shall be reimbursed for any authorized expense incurred in the performance of such members’ duties for the Committee, as provided in the State Travel Reimbursement Act. For members who are not state employees, the State Department of Health shall be responsible for the processing and payment of any authorized expense incurred in the performance of such members’ duties for the Committee, as provided in the State Travel Reimbursement Act.
E. Before developing any guidelines for the development of uniform rules, the Committee shall give public notice, offer opportunity for public comment and conduct statewide public meetings.
F. The Committee shall have the power and duty to:
1. Evaluate needleless systems and sharps with engineered sharps injury protection in high exposure areas;
2. Compile a list of existing needleless systems and sharps with engineered sharps injury protection to assist employers;
3. Develop guidelines for uniform administrative rules related to the use of needleless systems and engineered sharps injury protection in high exposure areas;
4. Develop compliance thresholds for needleless systems in high exposure areas;
5. Assess the rate of use of needleless systems in high exposure areas;
6. Utilize the latest version of a directive published by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, United States Department of Labor entitled “Enforcement Procedures for the Occupational Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens” for the reporting mechanism for needlestick injuries in high exposure areas;
7. Prior to March 1, 2004, and annually thereafter determine whether there is sufficient utilization of sharps prevention technology in the state in high risk areas. If the Committee determines that there is a sufficient use of sharps prevention technology in the state, prior to the promulgation of rules pursuant to Section 3 of this act, the Committee shall recommend to the rule-making agencies that the proposed rules not be promulgated. If such determination is made after the rules have been promulgated pursuant to Section 3 of this act, the Committee shall recommend to the rule-making agencies that such promulgated rules be rescinded; and
8. Evaluate and consider such other data and information necessary to perform its duties and responsibilities pursuant to the provisions of the Needlestick Injury Prevention Act.
G. In exercising such powers and duties the Committee shall:
1. Consider training and education requirements and increased use of personal protective equipment in high exposure areas;
2. Consider the cost, cost benefit analysis and the availability of a needleless system; and
3. Consider information contained in the Center for Disease Prevention and Control's publication on universal precautions.
H. 1. On or before May 1, 2003, the Committee shall establish guidelines for the development of uniform administrative rules by the agencies specified in Section 3 of this act related to the use of needleless systems and engineered sharps injury protection. Guidelines established by the Needlestick Injury Prevention Committee and rules promulgated by the state agencies specified in Section 3 of this act shall in no way prohibit or otherwise limit the use of:
2. Before developing such guidelines the Committee shall provide an opportunity for public comment through a series of statewide public hearings. The Committee shall give advance public notice of such hearings.
3. On or before August 1, 2003, the agencies listed in Section 3 of this act shall submit copies of proposed rules to the Committee for review.
4. On or before September 1, 2003, the Committee shall review the proposed rules prepared by such agencies for uniformity and compliance with the guidelines established by the Committee. The Committee shall forward copies of the proposed rules to the Hospital Advisory Council for review.
5. Beginning November 1, 2003, the Hospital Advisory Council shall forward to the Committee for review copies of any proposed amendments to the rules promulgated pursuant to the Needlestick Injury Prevention Act. The Committee shall consider such comments and recommendations in making its recommendations to such agencies for modifications to the proposed rules, as necessary to ensure uniformity and compliance with the established guidelines.
6. On or before July 1, 2003, the Committee shall develop and maintain a list of existing needleless systems and engineered sharps injury protections. This list shall be available to assist employers in complying with the requirement of the standards, adopted in accordance with the Needlestick Injury Prevention Act.
7. Beginning March 1, 2004, the Committee shall meet not less than annually and more often as necessary, as determined by the chair of the Committee, for the purpose of reviewing proposed or necessary amendments to the rules promulgated pursuant to the Needlestick Injury Prevention Act, in order to ensure the continuing consistency and uniformity of the rules to provide for necessary revisions of the list.
I. Each state agency listed in Section 3 of this act shall provide information and staff assistance as necessary to prepare the rules, procedures, forms and lists required by the Needlestick Injury Prevention Act.
J. The Committee shall terminate on July 1, 2006.
Added by Laws 2000, c. 297, § 2, emerg. eff. June 5, 2000.