A. The State Department of Health shall review Invitations To Bid and applications for contracts and evaluate the progress and outcomes of tobacco use prevention and cessation programs. The Department shall make final approval for the issuance of Invitations To Bid for contracts for tobacco use prevention and cessation programs.
B. An applicant or a bidder that requests funding to initiate, continue or expand a tobacco use prevention or cessation program shall demonstrate, by means of application, letters of recommendation, and such other means as the Department may designate, that the proposed tobacco use prevention or cessation program for which it seeks funds meets the criteria set forth in the State Plan. Previous contractors shall include recent evaluations of their programs with their bids or applications. The Department may not award a contract unless it makes a specific finding, as to each applicant or bidder, that the program proposed to be funded meets the criteria set forth in the State Plan.
C. In developing the State Plan and approving Invitations To Bid and reviewing intergovernmental contracts the Department shall consider:
1. In the case of applications or Invitations To Bid to fund media campaigns directed to youth to prevent underage tobacco use, whether the campaign provides for sound management and periodic evaluation of the campaign's relevance to the intended audience, including audience awareness of the campaign and recollection of the main message;
2. In the case of applications or Invitations To Bid to fund school-based education programs to prevent youth tobacco use, whether there is credible evidence that the program is effective in reducing youth tobacco use;
3. In the case of applications or Invitations To Bid to fund community-based youth programs involving youth tobacco use prevention through general youth development, whether the program:
4. In the case of applications or Invitations To Bid to fund enforcement and administration of the Prevention of Youth Access to Tobacco Act and related retailer education and compliance efforts, whether such activities and efforts can reasonably be expected to reduce the extent to which tobacco products are available to individuals under eighteen (18) years of age;
5. In the case of applications or Invitations To Bid to fund youth cessation, whether there is credible evidence that the program is effective in long-term tobacco use cessation; and
6. In the case of applications or Invitations To Bid to fund adult programs, whether there is credible evidence that the program is effective in decreasing tobacco use.
D. State and local government departments and agencies shall be eligible for contracts provided pursuant to this act.
Added by Laws 2001, c. 275, § 6, emerg. eff. May 31, 2001. Amended by Laws 2013, c. 229, § 51, eff. Nov. 1, 2013.