As used in this act, the following terms have the following meanings, unless the context otherwise requires:
1. "Authorized officer" means any individual required or permitted, alone or with others, by any provision of law or by the issuing public entity, to execute on behalf of the public entity a certificated registered public obligation or a writing relating to an uncertificated registered public obligation;
2. "Certificated registered public obligation" means a registered public obligation which is represented by an instrument;
3. "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended;
4. "Facsimile seal" means the reproduction by engraving, imprinting, stamping or other means of the seal of the issuer, official or official body;
5. "Facsimile signature" means the reproduction by engraving, imprinting, stamping or other means of a manual signature;
6. "Financial intermediary" means a bank, broker, clearing corporation or other person or the nominee of any of them, which in the ordinary course of its business maintains registered public obligation accounts for its customers, when so acting;
7. "Issuer" means a public entity which issues an obligation;
8. "Obligation" means an agreement of a public entity to pay principal and any interest thereon, whether in the form of a contract to repay borrowed money, a lease, an installment purchase agreement, or otherwise, and includes a share, participation or other interest in any such agreement;
9. "Official actions" means the actions by statute, order, ordinance, resolution, contract or other authorized means by which the issuer provides for issuance of a registered public obligation;
10. "Official or official body" means the officer or board that is empowered under the laws of one or more states including this state to provide for original issuance of an obligation of the issuer, by defining the obligation and its terms, conditions and other incidents, the successor or successors of any such official or official body, and such other person or group of persons as shall be assigned duties of such official or official body with respect to a registered public obligation under applicable law from time to time;
11. "Public entity" means an entity, department or agency which is empowered under the laws of one or more states, territories, possessions of the United States, or the District of Columbia, including this state, to issue obligations any interest with respect to which may, under any provision of law, be provided an exemption from the income tax referred to in the Code. The term "public entity" may thus include, without limitation, this state, an entity deriving powers from and acting pursuant to the State Constitution or a special legislative act, a political subdivision, a municipal corporation, a state university or college, a school or other special district, a joint agreement entity, a public authority, a public trust, a nonprofit corporation and other organizations;
12. "Registered public obligation" means an obligation issued by a public entity pursuant to a system of registration;
13. "System of registration" and its variants means a plan that provides:
14. "Uncertificated registered public obligation" means a registered public obligation which is not represented by an instrument.
Added by Laws 1983, c. 170, § 2, eff. July 1, 1983.