A. The Oklahoma Tax Commission shall adopt rules prescribing minimum qualifications and requirements for locating motor license agencies and for persons applying for appointment as a motor license agent. Such qualifications and requirements shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
1. Necessary job skills and experience;
2. Minimum office hours;
3. Provision for sufficient staffing, equipment, office space and parking to provide maximum efficiency and maximum convenience to the public;
4. Obtainment of a faithful performance surety bond as provided for by law;
5. In counties with a population in excess of thirty thousand (30,000) persons according to the latest Federal Decennial Census, a requirement that operation of a motor license agency be the primary source of income for the agent;
6. That the applicant has not been convicted of a felony and that no felony charges are pending against the applicant;
7. That a complete financial statement be submitted by the applicant on forms provided by the Tax Commission;
8. That a report of the applicant's credit history be obtained through the appropriate credit bureau; and
9. That the location specified in the application for appointment as a motor license agent not be owned by a member of the Oklahoma Tax Commission or an employee of the Oklahoma Tax Commission or any person related to a member of the Oklahoma Tax Commission or an employee of the Tax Commission within the third degree by consanguinity or affinity and that the location not be within a three-mile radius of an existing motor license agency unless the applicant is assuming the location of an operating agency. If the applicant is assuming the location of an existing or operating agency, the current agent may submit a letter of resignation contingent upon the appointment of the applicant regardless of the population of the municipality in which the agency is located. The Tax Commission may, at its discretion, approve the relocation of an existing agency within a three-mile radius of another existing agency only if a naturally intervening geographic barrier within that radius causes the locations to be separated by not less than three (3) miles of roadway by the most direct route.
B. After the necessary information has been forwarded to the Tax Commission, the Tax Commission or its designees may select applicants to be interviewed and each item of information shall be reviewed.
Any person making application to the Tax Commission for the purpose of becoming a motor license agent shall pay when submitting the application, a nonrefundable application fee of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00). All such application fees shall be deposited in the Oklahoma Tax Commission Revolving Fund.
C. Upon application by a person to serve as a motor license agent, in such counties, the Tax Commission is authorized to make a determination whether such person and such location meets the qualifications and requirements prescribed herein and, if such be the case, may appoint such person to serve as a motor license agent.
D. A motor license agent, appointed pursuant to this subsection, shall be permitted to operate a motor license agency at a single location and shall be prohibited from operating subagencies or branch agencies.
Motor license agents appointed pursuant to this section shall be subject to all laws relating to motor license agents and shall be subject to removal for cause by the Tax Commission. Any action taken by the Tax Commission to remove a motor license agent from his or her position shall be pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions of the Administrative Procedures Act. For the purposes of this section, "for cause" shall be defined as follows:
1. Repeated violations of written rules, regulations and statutes pertaining to motor license agents after written warning by the Tax Commission and an opportunity to correct such violations;
2. Failure of the motor license agent to promptly remit funds owed to the Tax Commission upon written demand;
3. Being charged with a felony crime involving dishonesty or moral turpitude;
4. Failure to timely file state and federal income tax returns; or
5. Any act of official misconduct as set forth in Section 93 of Title 51 of the Oklahoma Statutes.
The Tax Commission shall appoint as many motor license agents as it deems necessary to carry out the provisions of the Motor Vehicle License and Registration Act. There shall be no less than one (1) motor license agent located in a county of this state. Provided, that in counties with a population in excess of twenty-five thousand (25,000) persons, according to the latest Federal Decennial Census, having only one motor license agent serving the county, the Tax Commission may establish at least one additional agency to serve the county.
E. All motor license agents shall be self-employed independent contractors and shall be under the supervision of the Tax Commission; provided, any agent authorized to issue registrations pursuant to the International Registration Plan shall also be under the supervision of the Corporation Commission, subject to rules promulgated by the Corporation Commission pursuant to the provisions of subsection E of Section 1166 of this title. Any such agent, upon being appointed, shall furnish and file with the Tax Commission a bond in such amount as may be fixed by the Tax Commission. Such agent shall be removable at the will of the Tax Commission. Such agent shall perform all duties and do such things in the administration of the laws of this state as shall be enjoined upon and required by the Tax Commission or the Corporation Commission. Provided, the Tax Commission may operate a motor license agency in any county where a vacancy occurs.
F. In the event of a vacancy existing by reason of resignation, removal, death or otherwise, in the position of any motor license agent, the Tax Commission is hereby empowered and authorized to take any and all actions it deems appropriate in order to provide for the orderly transition and for the maintenance of operations of the motor license agency including but not limited to the designation of one of its regular employees to serve as "acting agent" without bond, and to receive and expend all fees or charges authorized or provided by law and exercise the same powers and authority as a regularly appointed motor license agent. An acting agent may be authorized by the Tax Commission equally as the preceding agent to make disbursements from any balances in the preceding motor license agent's operating account and the agent's operating funds for the payment of expenses of operations and salaries and other overhead. If such funds are insufficient, the Tax Commission is authorized to expend from funds appropriated for the operation of the Tax Commission such amounts as are necessary to maintain and continue the operation of any such motor license agency until a successor agent is appointed and qualified. The Tax Commission may require a blanket fiduciary bond of the agency employees.
G. When an application for registration is made with the Tax Commission, Corporation Commission or a motor license agent, a registration fee of One Dollar and seventy-five cents ($1.75) shall be collected for each license plate or decal issued. Such fees shall be in addition to the registration fees on motor vehicles and when an application for registration is made to the motor license agent such motor license agent shall retain a fee as provided in Section 1141.1 of this title. When the fee is paid by a person making application directly with the Tax Commission or Corporation Commission, as applicable, the registration fees shall be in the same amount as provided for motor license agents and the fee provided by Section 1141.1 of this title shall be deposited in the Oklahoma Tax Commission Revolving Fund or as provided in Section 1167 of this title, as applicable. The Tax Commission shall prepare schedules of registration fees and charges for titles which shall include the fees for such agents and all fees and charges paid by a person shall be listed separately on the application and registration and totaled on the application and registration. The motor license agents shall charge only such fees as are specifically provided for by law, and all such authorized fees shall be posted in such a manner that any person shall have notice of all fees that are imposed by law.
H. No person shall be appointed as a motor license agent unless the person has attested under oath that the person is not related by affinity or consanguinity within the third degree to:
1. Any member of the Oklahoma Tax Commission; or
2. Any employee of the Tax Commission.
I. Any motor license agent appointed under the provisions of this title shall be responsible for all costs incurred by the Tax Commission when relocating an existing motor license agency. The Tax Commission may waive payment of such costs in case of unforeseen business or emergency conditions beyond the control of the agent.
Added by Laws 1985, c. 179, § 43, operative July 1, 1985. Amended by Laws 1985, c. 197, § 5, operative July 1, 1985; Laws 1987, c. 158, § 1, emerg. eff. June 25, 1987; Laws 2004, c. 534, § 10, eff. Nov. 1, 2004; Laws 2005, c. 1, § 77, emerg. eff. March 15, 2005; Laws 2008, c. 383, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2008; Laws 2009, c. 386, § 1, eff. July 1, 2009; Laws 2018, c. 174, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2018; Laws 2018, c. 289, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2018; Laws 2019, c. 195, § 2, eff. July 1, 2019; Laws 2021, c. 365, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2021; Laws 2021, c. 569, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2021.
NOTE: Laws 2004, c. 522, § 23 repealed by Laws 2005, c. 1, § 78, emerg. eff. March 15, 2005.