A. For services that a health care professional determines to be appropriately provided by means of telemedicine, health care service plans, disability insurer programs, workers' compensation programs, or state Medicaid managed care program contracts issued, amended, or renewed on or after January 1, 1998, shall not require person-to-person contact between a health care professional and a patient.
B. Subsection A of this section shall apply to health care service plan contracts with the state Medicaid managed care program only to the extent that both of the following apply:
1. Telemedicine services are covered by, and reimbursed under, the fee-for-service provisions of the state Medicaid managed care program; and
2. State Medicaid managed care program contracts with health care service plans are amended to add coverage of telemedicine services and make any appropriate capitation rate adjustments.
C. Any health benefit plan that is offered, issued or renewed in this state by an insurer on or after the effective date of this act shall provide coverage of health care services provided through telemedicine, as provided in this section.
D. An insurer shall not exclude a service for coverage solely because the service is provided through telemedicine and is not provided through in-person consultation or contact between a health care professional and a patient when such services are appropriately provided through telemedicine. An insurer may limit coverage of services provided by telehealth consistent with coding and clinical standards recognized by the American Medical Association or the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services as covered if delivered by telehealth or telemedicine, except as agreed to by the insurer and provider.
E. An insurer shall reimburse the treating health care professional or the consulting health care professional for the diagnosis, consultation or treatment of the patient delivered through telemedicine services on the same basis and at least at the rate of reimbursement that the insurer is responsible for coverage for the provision of the same, or substantially similar, services through in-person consultation or contact.
F. An insurer shall not apply any deductible to telemedicine services that accumulates separately from the deductible that applies in the aggregate to all items and services covered under the health benefit plan.
G. Any copayment or coinsurance applied to telemedicine benefits by an insurer shall not exceed the copayment or coinsurance applied to such benefits when provided through in-person consultation or contact.
H. An insurer shall not impose any annual or lifetime durational limits or annual or lifetime dollar maximums for benefits or services provided through telemedicine that are not equally imposed upon all terms and services covered under the health benefit plan.
I. An insurer shall not impose any type of utilization review on benefits provided through telemedicine unless such type of utilization review is imposed when such benefits are provided through in-person consultation or contact. Any type of utilization review that is imposed on benefits provided through telemedicine shall not occur with greater frequency or more stringent application than such form of utilization review is imposed on such benefits provided through in-person consultation or contact.
J. An insurer shall not restrict coverage of telemedicine benefits or services to benefits or services provided by a particular vendor, or other third party, or benefits or services provided through a particular electronic communications technology platform; provided, that nothing shall require an insurer to cover any electronic communications technology platform that does not comply with applicable state and federal privacy laws.
K. An insurer shall not place any restrictions on prescribing medications through telemedicine that are more restrictive than what is required under applicable state and federal law.
L. No later than January 1, 2023, the State Department of Health shall request a report from the Statewide Health Information Exchange that will provide the following data:
1. The number of providers using telehealth, including the location, frequency and specific services for which telehealth is utilized; and
2. The overall cost and cost savings associated with the utilization of telehealth services.
Added by Laws 1997, c. 209, § 3, eff. July 1, 1997. Amended by Laws 2021, c. 420, § 2, eff. Jan. 1, 2022.