A. As used in this section:
1. "Mortgage" means a contract lien on an interest in real property;
2. "Mortgagee" means:
3. "Mortgage servicer" means the last person or entity to whom a mortgagor has been instructed by a mortgagee to send payments for the loan secured by a mortgage or judgment lien. A person or entity transmitting a payoff statement is considered the mortgage servicer for the mortgage or judgment lien described in the payoff statement;
4. "Mortgagor" means the grantor of a mortgage;
5. "Payoff statement" means a statement of the amount of:
6. "Title insurance company" means a corporation or other business entity authorized and licensed to transact business of insuring titles to interests in real property in this state.
B. This section applies only to a mortgage or judgment lien on all real property including commercial or agriculture or a one- to four-family residence, including a residential unit in a condominium regime.
C. If a mortgagee or judgment lienholder fails to execute and deliver a release of mortgage or judgment lien to the mortgagor or designated agent of the mortgagor within sixty (60) days after the date of receipt of payment of the mortgage by the mortgagee or judgment lienholder in accordance with a payoff statement furnished by the mortgagee or judgment lienholder or its mortgage servicer, an authorized officer of a title insurance company or a duly appointed agent of the title insurance company, on behalf of the mortgagor or a transferee of the mortgagor who acquired title to the property described in the mortgage, may execute and record an affidavit in the real property records of each county in which the mortgage or judgment lien was recorded. The written signature of the agent of the title insurance company or attorney shall appear on the affidavit .
D. An affidavit executed under this section shall state that:
1. The affiant is an authorized officer or a duly appointed agent of a title insurance company;
2. The affidavit is made on behalf of the mortgagor or a transferee of the mortgagor who acquired title to the property described in the mortgage;
3. The mortgagee or judgment lienholder provided a payoff statement with respect to the loan secured by the mortgage or judgment lien;
4. The affiant has ascertained that the mortgagee or judgment lienholder has received payment of the loan secured by the mortgage or judgment lien in accordance with the payoff statement, as evidenced by:
5. More than sixty (60) days have elapsed since the date payment was received by the mortgagee or judgment lienholder;
6. The title insurance company or its duly appointed agent has given the mortgagee or judgment lienholder at least fifteen (15) days' notice in writing by certified mail, return receipt requested, of its intention to execute and record an affidavit in accordance with this section, with a copy of the proposed affidavit attached to the written notice; and
7. The mortgagee or judgment lienholder has not responded in writing to the notification at least fifteen (15) days before the affidavit is recorded.
E. The affidavit must include the names of the mortgagor and the mortgagee or judgment lienholder, the date of the mortgage, the legal description of the property, and the book and page or clerk's document number of the real property records where the mortgage or lien and/or modification is recorded, together with similar information for a recorded assignment of the mortgage or judgment lien.
F. The affiant shall attach to the affidavit a photostatic copy, certified by the affiant as a true copy of the original document, of:
1. The documentary evidence that payment has been received by the mortgagee or judgment lienholder, including the endorsement of the mortgagee or judgment lienholder of a negotiated check if paid by check or proof of a wire transfer if paid by wire. The bank account number and routing number on the check or proof of wire transfer may be redacted by the filer; and
2. The payoff statement.
G. An affidavit that is executed and recorded as provided by this section shall operate as a release of the mortgage or judgment lien described in the affidavit.
H. The county clerk shall index the affidavit against the real property described in the mortgage or judgment lien and the affidavit.
I. A person who knowingly causes an affidavit with false information to be executed and recorded under this section is liable for the penalties for filing a false affidavit, including the penalties for commission of offenses pursuant to the appropriate section of the penal code, and to a party injured by the affidavit for actual damages of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00), whichever is greater. The Attorney General may sue to collect the penalty. If the Attorney General or an injured party bringing suit substantially prevails in an action under this subsection, the court may award reasonable attorney fees and court costs to the prevailing party.
J. Nothing provided for in this section shall preclude the mortgagor from availing itself of the remedies provided for in Section 15 of Title 46 of the Oklahoma Statutes which provides for penalties against the mortgagee or judgment lienholder for failure to release a mortgage or judgment lien pursuant to the payment in full and request for release on behalf of the mortgagor.
Added by Laws 2015, c. 222, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2015. Amended by Laws 2021, c. 249, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2021.