As used in the Oklahoma Commercial Feed Law:
1. "Brand name" means any word, name, symbol, device, or combination identifying the commercial feed of a distributor or licensee;
2. "Commercial feed" means all materials except whole seeds unmixed or physically altered entire unmixed seeds, when not adulterated within the meaning of paragraph 1 of Section 8-41.7 of this title, which are distributed for use as feed or for mixing in feed. The term “commercial feed” shall not include:
3. "Contract feeder" means a person who as an independent contractor feeds animals pursuant to a contract, the feed is supplied, furnished, or provided to another person and the feeder's renumeration is determined solely or in part by feed consumption, mortality, profits, or amount or quality of product;
4. "Customer-formula feed" means commercial feed consisting of a mixture of commercial feeds or feed ingredients. Each batch is manufactured according to the specific instructions of the final purchaser;
5. "Deleterious substance" means any substance including, but not limited to, dust, dirt, filth, or excrement derived from insects, birds, except domestic poultry litter, rodents, or other animals that may render a feed material harmful or injurious when consumed by animals;
6. "Distribute" means to offer for sale, sell, exchange, barter, supply, furnish, or provide commercial feed;
7. "Distributor" means any person who distributes feed or feed ingredients;
8. "Drug" means any article intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease in animals other than humans and articles other than feed intended to affect the structure or any function of the animal body;
9. "Feed ingredient" means each of the constituent materials making up a commercial feed;
10. "Label" means a display of written, printed, or graphic matter upon or affixed to the container in which a commercial feed is distributed, or on the invoice or delivery slip with which a commercial feed is distributed;
11. "Labeling" means all labels and other written, printed, or graphic matter upon commercial feed or any of its containers or wrappers accompanying the commercial feed;
12. "Manufacture" means to grind, mix or blend, or further process a commercial feed for distribution;
13. "Mineral feed" means a commercial feed intended to supply primarily mineral elements or inorganic nutrients;
14. "Official sample" means any sample of feed taken by an authorized agent of the State Board of Agriculture;
15. "Percent" or "percentages" means a portion of each hundred units of weight;
16. "Pet" means any domesticated animal normally maintained in or near the household of the animal's owner;
17. "Pet food" means any commercial feed prepared and distributed for consumption by dogs or cats;
18. "Product name" means the name of the commercial feed which identifies it as to kind, class, or specific use;
19. "Specialty pet" means any domesticated animal pet normally maintained in a cage or tank, including, but not limited to, gerbils, hamsters, canaries, psittacine birds, mynahs, finches, tropical fish, goldfish, snakes, and turtles;
20. "Specialty pet food" means any commercial feed prepared and distributed for consumption by specialty pets; and
21. "Ton" means a net weight of two thousand (2,000) pounds avoirdupois.
Added by Laws 1984, c. 15, § 3, eff. July 1, 1985. Amended by Laws 1986, c. 125, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 1986; Laws 1995, c. 163, § 1, eff. July 1, 1995; Laws 2000, c. 367, § 92, emerg. eff. June 6, 2000.