Volunteer firefighters of a combination fire department shall:
1. Be required, when notified, to respond to alarms of fire and other emergencies;
2. Be required to be present at all regular meetings, call meetings and schools presented for the benefit of the firefighters;
3. Be dropped from a fire department’s rolls if such volunteer firefighter has two unexcused absences in succession or three unexcused absences in a period of three (3) months;
4. Notify the chief if such volunteer firefighter is leaving the municipality for an extended period of time;
5. Be expelled from the rolls if such volunteer firefighter refuses to attend training classes provided for him or her;
6. Be expelled from the rolls for the following offenses:
7. Reside in the same county as the combination fire department he or she is enrolled in or in a county that immediately borders the county in which the combination fire department is located.
Added by Laws 2003, c. 460, § 5, eff. July 1, 2003.