Effective: September 5, 2012
Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 310 - 129th General Assembly
(A) A person that has been issued a permit under this chapter shall maintain records of all of the following regarding each dangerous wild animal and each restricted snake that the permit holder possesses:
(1) The scientific and common names of the animal or snake, including the species;
(2) If the animal or snake was purchased or otherwise acquired from another person, the name and address of the other person;
(3) The date on which the animal or snake was acquired, if applicable;
(4) If the permit holder propagates dangerous wild animals, the date of birth of the animal if the animal was propagated by the permit holder;
(5) If the permit holder propagates restricted snakes, the date of birth of the snake if the snake was propagated by the permit holder;
(6) The name and address of the person to whom the animal or snake was sold or otherwise transferred, if applicable;
(7) The date on which the animal or snake died or escaped, if applicable;
(8) The identification number of the microchip that is implanted in the animal and the frequency of the passive integrated transponder contained in the microchip as required in section 935.04 of the Revised Code.
(B) A permit holder shall maintain the records in accordance with rules.