Effective: November 18, 1969
Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 387 - 108th General Assembly
(A) Nursery stock which is shipped into this state from another state or country, shall have attached thereto a tag or poster bearing a facsimile copy of a valid state or federal certificate of inspection.
(B) No person shall accept any nursery stock for transportation which does not have a facsimile of a valid certificate or license plainly affixed on the outside of the package, box, bale, vehicle, or car containing such nursery stock, which shows that the contents have been inspected by a state or federal inspector.
(C) No person shall deliver to a consignee nursery stock which does not bear a facsimile of a valid certificate on a tag or poster attached thereto until an authorized representative of the director of agriculture finds such nursery stock apparently free from pests and eligible for certification, and releases such stock for delivery.