Effective: June 20, 1994
Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 134 - 120th General Assembly
(A) Division (A) of section 918.26 of the Revised Code does not apply to any of the following:
(1) A person who processes poultry on his own premises, or has poultry processed only for his personal or family use and does not sell that poultry or products of that poultry;
(2) A retail dealer or retail butcher who sells only poultry or poultry products that have been inspected in compliance with sections 918.21 to 918.31 of the Revised Code, directly to consumers in retail stores, provided that the only processing operation performed by the retail dealer is the cutting up of poultry products on the premises for sale to consumers;
(3) An establishment that is subject to federal inspection;
(4) A person who grows and slaughters on his own premises less than one thousand poultry in the current calendar year, providing:
(a) The grower-processor does not buy any live poultry;
(b) Such processed poultry is sold to a hotel, institution, restaurant consumer, or other person for preparation in his own kitchen and is served by him.
(B) Only the requirements for licensure and the provisions of sections 918.21 to 918.31 of the Revised Code relating to sanitation, adulteration, misbranding, and use of the official mark apply to either of the following:
(1) A person who operates an establishment to process poultry only for persons exempted under division (A)(1) of this section, provided that the establishment does not engage in the business of buying, selling, or bartering any poultry products capable of use as human food;
(2) A person who grows and slaughters on his own premises one thousand or more poultry, but less than twenty thousand poultry in the current calendar year, providing:
(a) The grower-processor does not buy any live poultry;
(b) Such processed poultry is sold to a hotel, institution, restaurant consumer, or other person for preparation in his own kitchen and is served by him.