Effective: April 16, 1993
Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 124 - 119th General Assembly
(A) The director of public safety shall have the entire management and control of a hospital erected under sections 749.02 to 749.14 of the Revised Code, when completed and ready for use, and, subject to the ordinances of the legislative authority of the city, shall establish rules for its government, and the admission of persons to its privileges, as he deems expedient. The director may employ a superintendent, steward, physicians, nurses, and such other employees as are necessary, and fix the compensation of all such persons, which compensation shall be subject to the approval of the legislative authority. The director with the approval of the mayor may also employ counsel to bring legal action for the collection of delinquent accounts.
(B) The director of public safety may grant to employees of a hospital erected under sections 749.02 to 749.14 of the Revised Code any of the following as he determines to be customary and usual in the nonprofit hospital field in the community:
(1) Additional vacation leave with full pay for full-time employees, including hourly rate employees, after service of one year;
(2) Vacation leave and holiday pay for part-time employees on a pro rata basis;
(3) Leave with full pay, which shall not be deducted from the employee's accumulated sick leave, due to death in the employee's immediate family;
(4) Moving expenses for new employees;
(5) Premium pay for working on holidays observed by other municipal agencies;
(6) Discounts on purchases from the hospital pharmacy.
The director may provide employee recognition awards and may hold employee recognition dinners. The director may provide scholarships for education in the health care professions, tuition reimbursement, and other staff development programs for the purpose of recruiting or retaining qualified employees. The board may pay reasonable expenses for recruiting physicians into the city or for retaining them if all or part of the city has been designated as an area with a shortage of personal health services under the "Health Maintenance Organization Act of 1973," 87 Stat. 914, 42 U.S.C. 300e, as amended.