Effective: October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation: House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
The proceeds from the sale of bonds issued under section 747.07 of the Revised Code may be used by the board of rapid transit commissioners for the construction in, through, on, over, upon, or under any canal lands or property leased by the city from this state, or any lands, right of ways, or property outside of such canal lands, whether within or without the city, of depots and terminals for interurban, suburban, rapid transit, or street electric railways, or for the construction of interurban, suburban, rapid transit, or street electric railways, or of any combination of two or more of such purposes, and the necessary tracks, way stations, depots, workshops, conduits, elevated structures, subways, tunnels, offices, sidetracks, turnouts, machine shops, bridges, and other appurtenances, and for the purchase, acquisition, or condemnation of the necessary lands, easements, and rights of way, and for the purchase of the equipment necessary for the operation thereof. The proceeds of bonds specially issued for such purposes shall be used to pay the cost for the construction of boulevards or parkways upon or adjacent to such lands or canal lands, subject to the provisions relative to the construction of and assessments for boulevards or parkways, as specified in sections 747.04 to 747.06, inclusive, of the Revised Code.