| Water Works in Contiguous Municipal Corporation.

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Effective: October 1, 1953

Latest Legislation: House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly

A municipal corporation owning water works whose territory is contiguous to that of another municipal corporation may, with the assent of such other municipal corporation, establish and maintain such portion of its water works as is advisable within the limits of such other municipal corporation, and may make such use of the streets, alleys, and public grounds thereof as is necessary to construct, lay down, and maintain all such aqueducts and water pipes as are required in connection with such water works for the conveyance of water along and across such streets, alleys, and public grounds. Such aqueducts and pipes shall be so constructed and laid as not to interfere unnecessarily with the use of such streets, alleys, and public grounds as public highways and public grounds.

A municipal corporation so establishing a part of its water works within the limits of another municipal corporation shall have jurisdiction to prevent or punish the pollution of or injury to water so conveyed, or of the stream or source from which it is obtained, or an injury to any portion of the water works so located within the limits of such other municipal corporation.

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