Effective: June 30, 2021
Latest Legislation: House Bill 74 - 134th General Assembly
The legislative authority of a municipality shall designate a municipal official to have responsibility for inspection of all or portions of bridges within such municipality, except for bridges on the state highway system and the county highway system.
This section does not prohibit the municipality from inspecting any bridge within its limits.
Such inspection shall be made by a professional engineer or other qualified person under the supervision of a professional engineer on a schedule established by the director of transportation, but at least once every twenty-four months, or more frequently if required by the legislative authority, in accordance with the manual of bridge inspection described in section 5501.47 of the Revised Code. The legislative authority may contract for inspection services.
The municipal official responsible for inspection shall maintain an updated inventory record of all bridges in the municipality and indicate on such inventory record who is responsible for inspection and maintenance, and the authority for such responsibilities.
The official shall report the condition of all bridges to the municipal legislative authority not later than sixty days after the official's inspection, or shall report more frequently if required by the legislative authority. Any bridge for which the municipality has inspection or maintenance responsibility which, at any time, is found to be in a condition that is or may be a potential danger to life or property shall be identified in reports, and if such official determines that the condition of such a bridge represents an immediate danger the official shall immediately report the condition to the legislative authority. With respect to those bridges where there exists joint maintenance responsibility, the municipal official shall furnish a copy of the official's report to each party responsible for a share of maintenance.
"Maintenance" as used in this section means actual performance of maintenance work.
Last updated April 9, 2021 at 1:19 PM